Destilleriet Als ApS
Holtvej 8
6470 Sydals
TLF: +4553534545
CVR: DK-39393344
DESTILLERIET ALS APS receives online payments with Visa / Dankort, Visa, MasterCard, Visa Electron.
Payment will only be charged to your account once the physical item is shipped or the virtual product is created unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order.
All prices on the website includes Danish VAT currently 25%.
The website uses the following currencies for pricing:
Denmark - Kroner (DKK)
DESTILLERIET ALS APS uses a secure payment server that encrypts all information with SSL protocol, which means your data is secure and cannot be read by other outsiders.
The DESTILLERIET ALS APS owned website also uses encryption with SSL protocol
Leveringstiden for din ordre er 1-3 hverdage.
14 days full right of return is given on goods purchased on the website unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order.
The 14-day period starts from the day the order is delivered.
All return costs must be paid by the consumer; for complaints DESTILLERIET ALS APS will pay the costs.
Request for cancellation must be notified to us no later than 14 days after delivery and reach us no later than 14 days after we have been informed of your use of the cancellation right.
Requests for use of the right of cancellation must be sent to the e-mail kundeservice@destillerietals.dkThe notice should clearly indicate your desire to use the right of cancellation.
You are liable for the deterioration of the value of the goods due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the goods. This means that you have to try the product in the same way as if you were in a physical store.
If the item is tried in addition to what is described above, it is considered used and of impaired value. This means that when you cancel your purchase, you will receive a small portion or none of the purchased amount. It is up to Destilleriet Als ApS to assess the condition of the product.
Priser og forsendelsesomkostninger kan ændres til enhver tid. Du er bundet af de priser, der gælder netop på det tidspunkt, hvorpå du har tegnet dit Experimental Series abonnement. Dog med mindre vi giver dig besked om prisændringer, og du ikke inden for 21 dage fra den dato, hvor meddelelsen er sendt, meddeler, at du ikke accepterer sådanne ændrede vilkår (Experimental Series abonnementet vil herved omgående ophøre).
Du skal være fyldt 18 år, for at kunne tegne et Experimental Series abonnement.
Vi vil bekræfte modtagelsen ved at sende en besked til den e-mail adresse, du indtastede, når du har ansøgt om et Experimental Series abonnement via hjemmesiden. Aftalen mellem dig og Destilleriet Als er først trådt i kraft, når vi i en ny e-mail til dig bekræfter, at produkterne er blevet eller vil blive sendt til dig.
Vi forbeholder os ret til at afstå fra at handle med dig uden begrundelse.
Indtil dit abonnement opsiges, accepterer du, at betale den aftalte abonnementspris, ved indgåelse af dit Experimental Series abonnement.
Betaling af abonnement skal foregå via en af disse muligheder; Visa, Mastercard, Maestro. Du accepterer, at vi kan opkræve periodemæssige abonnementsgebyrer fra dit kredit- eller betalingskort uden yderligere godkendelse, indtil du ændrer din betaling via din konto på hjemmesiden.
Skal du ændre (herunder fornye, slette eller pause) dit kredit- eller betalingskort, kan du foretage ændringerne for din betaling via din konto på hjemmesiden.
Du og Destilleriet Als kan til enhver tid og uden begrundelse opsige abonnementet. Ønsker du at opsige dit abonnement, kan du gøre dette nemt via dit personlige log-in.
Fra opsigelsesdagen vil du ikke modtage flere Experimental Series afsendinger. Den sidste abonnements sending vil derfor være den, du sidst har betalt for inden din opsigelse. Vi gør opmærksom på, at ønsker du at opsige dit abonnement fra den kommende måned, så skal vi venligst modtage din udmeldelse senest den 26. i måneden.
There is a 2-year warranty on products in accordance with the Danish Purchase Act. The right of complaint applies to all errors in software, material and fabrication.
Complaint regarding errors and deficiencies must be communicated to Destilleriet Als ApS within a reasonable time after the goods have been received. Here, a limit of max. 2 months is classed as reasonable time, unless otherwise agreed. We will refund reasonable shipping costs.
The complaint is waived by improper or unusual operation of the product.
DESTILLERIET ALS APS covers the return costs to a reasonable extent.
Upon return, contact the company:
Destilleriet Als ApS
Holtvej 8
6470 Sydals
TLF: +4553534545
Complaints are not acknowledged if these are sent on demand
Read more about your protection as a consumer when purchasing through a PensoPay payment solution:
Complaints about our products can be sent to:
The Competition and Consumer Authority
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby
For EU citizens outside the EU, complaints must be sent via the EU Commission's online complaint platform.
In the event of a complaint, our email address must be added: Kundeservice@destillerietals.dk.