The journey of our new make begins long before the distillation process. Carefully selected Danish quality barley is malted at the brewery, Fuglsang, in Haderslev, drawing on 150 years of experience and tradition. It is subsequently brewed to the “finest distiller beer”, which is then used for whiskey production. In a slow heating process, the distillation is started in our copper boiler, and within 9 - 11 hours, the distillation is completed. Only the purest drops are allowed to pass through the rectification chambers. In the nose, our new make has a distinctly malted scent with sweet notes of caramel and honey. The heat from the spirit spreads rapidly in the mouth, without becoming uncomfortable. Our distillate occupies the whole mouth in a pleasant way and it becomes clear to everyone that it has the potential to turn into something great.
The whisky is stored for least 3 years in selected Bourbon casks, where it is expected to support the already existing caramel notes, with oak and vanilla notes.
The artist behind the painting on the front of our whiskey bottle is Thomas Eje. He is especially known for being part of the “Line 3” trio, which, since 1979, has spread joy among Danes.
Thomas was given an open assignment and after hearing the story of the collaboration between Destilleriet Als and Fuglsang, he seized the opportunity to work with an abstract bird motif.
Thomas' own words about the picture:
“After thorough research with Bourbon, Blended and Single Malt Whiskey, I came up with a visual expression that could best describe the enjoyable moment of consuming the noblest of drops. I am convinced that artistic freedom is not exclusively reserved for only the artist himself."
Therefore, the beholder gets 3 titles to choose from for the work:
1. “Delirium Tremens”
2. " Den er hanengaleme gal"
3. "Walk away Poul, it's a closed party".